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    Сообщение от Tatiana Flower

    Hello, dear lawyers. I turn to you for help, on issues from the field of Criminal and Family Law. In 2019, the child's grandmother and her accomplices, in a barbaric way, abducted my son from me when we were walking from classes from the speech therapy center. This event, as we believe, harmed the psyche and health of the boy, and even could create a threat to his life. But he, a child with disabilities, to whom such stressful situations are completely contraindicated. At that time, the boy lived with us, with me and with my mother. And the mother of the child, at that time, lived in another region, where that grandmother came from. The abduction of the child itself, and the actions of those who took part in it, were filmed by surveillance cameras installed at the scene of this crime. But, even in the presence of such concrete and accurate evidence as a video recording of the event, the employees of the Investigative Department, illegally and unreasonably, over and over again, and for three years now, have been refusing to grant us a VUD, according to p. "a, e" part 2 of article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Investigators make the main emphasis on the fact that the grandmother of the child from another region, when removing the minor, as well as her friend, assisting her in this, acted on behalf and with the consent of the mother of the child, who was at that moment in close proximity to the place events. And this means that the arguments presented by us and our evidence do not form, according to the words of the employees of the investigating authorities, the composition of a criminally punishable act of persons participating in the removal of a minor ... Although, after viewing the video recording from the place of the emergency, they themselves are convinced of the opposite , namely, that only the child's grandmother and her acquaintances participated in the boy's abduction, but not the boy's mother. After all, the absence of the child's mother at the scene of the incident is the main fact and proof of our rightness in the issue we raised. At the same time, the investigators, objectively and reasonably, do not substantiate their arguments to us at all. They simply take as a basis, not my testimony and the facts of the video recording of the event, but only the testimony of the interested parties themselves, the participants in this event. I am not deprived of parental rights, and not limited.
    And how can we, ordinary people, achieve justice and truth on this issue, with such an illegal and incorrect consideration of our case?...
    Therefore, I ask you to analyze our situation and help us, if possible, to prove our case. I ask you to answer us, in any case.[/ QUOTE]

    Hi Everyone
    I understand a little bit of your writing and I think you are doing a great job.

    Написал Aleena в теме Похищение ребёнка 07.03.2023 12:55